3.2 Acquisition of the Vector Data Layer

The following vector data layer was applied to all boolean and analyses maps for reference in order to provide better land/water contrast but also for enhancement regarding the extent of the area being studied.

i) COASTLINE.vct -This vector file was originally obtained in ESRI Shape file (.shp). However, this shape file was separated into 6 shape files (it took 6 1:20000 map sheets to provide complete aerial coverage of the North Shore Mountains) in which each one covered a particular map sheet in BC (there are 7,027 in total that cover the entire province of British Columbia). Combining these 6 map sheets was critical because the vector layer is to provide  land/water contrast regarding the extent of the area being studied in this project. The GeoProcessing Wizard (under the spatial analysis tool) in ArcView made this possible. Finally, the combined shape file was converted into Idrisi format by using a program called FME Universal Translator.

Date Source: Land Data BC

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